蔡智恆 Kevin Choy
MA Global Media and Transnational Communications
Goldsmiths, University of London

Q: 你以什麼方法去減低日常開支?
A: 每一餐均由自己煮,並會去Sainsbury超級市場選購一些紅色標籤的特價貨。如果需要每天在倫敦坐巴士及地鐵返學的話,可以用學生Oyster Card (類似香港的八達通)來買Weekly/Monthly Travelcard。
Q: 你是入住哪那一款住宿?
A: 大學安排的私營宿舍 Mansion View,價錢大約每星期155英鎊(連水電)。建議第一年來英國盡量入住學校宿舍,每年9月是最多人爭住宿的月分。
Q: 外國生活有什麼是最難適應?
A: 最困擾的是開銀行戶口。在英國開銀行戶口是需要先walk-in預約,然後約定指定日子;接著要跟學校申請住址證明信,否則就不能開銀行戶口。當日記謹要帶齊所有必需文件(如護照、地址信、匯款單等等),文件不齊全的話就要重新預約過。
Q: 你建議準備往海外升學的同學要攜帶什麼東西?
- 充電用的「尿袋」,因為在香港購買的話會較便宜,兼且經常會用到。
- 冬天衣服。因為天氣較香港寒冷,如果帶夠衣物就不用浪費金錢在英國購買。
- 電飯煲,因為香港人始終都需要吃飯!雖然在英國也可以購買到電飯煲,但品質會不及香港的好,而且煮出來的飯會有點不同。
Q: 你覺得往外國升學後,自己有什麼不同了?
A: 思想上成熟了,學識主動面對和解決困難;生活上亦不再依賴父母,就算病倒了也懂得自己煲粥給自己吃。
Q: 你是透過哪一個渠道認識我們香港教育資訊網?
A: 先上網瀏覽學校資料,然後往英國教育展並在Goldsmiths, University of London的展覽booth上取得你們的聯絡方法。


鄭凱盈 Deni Cheng
Certificate IV Tertiary Presentation Program
Griffith College

Q: 你以什麼方法去減低日常開支?
A: I like the weather of Brisbane, and the teachers always take good care of students. As the living standard in
Brisbane is quite high, I often eat at home instead of eating in restaurants.
Q: 你是入住哪一款住宿?
A: I am living an apartment which is by renting. I live with my friend so that we can share the rent and save money.
Q: 外國生活有什麼是最難適應?
A: Brisbane is quite a big city that I often get lost when I first arrive, but the weather and the school environment are
quite reliable that I can enjoy my school life.
Q: 你建議準備往海外升學的同學要攜帶什麼東西?
A: In my opinion, basic medicine for colds, mobile phone and the information of entering the college are a must to
bring if you are going to study overseas. Firstly, if you are living alone and you have a fever, the medicine is a basic
need for your health. Secondly, mobile phone is also important if you get lost or have trouble, you can call someone
or even the police for help. Finally, the information of entering your college is also important as you are first time
studying overseas. You need to show teachers the information to prove that you are a student in the college.
Q: 你覺得往外國升學後,自己有什麼不同了?
A: The biggest change that I have studied overseas is I learnt how to cook and take care of myself.
Q: 你是透過哪一個渠道認識我們香港教育資訊網?
A: I access Hong Kong Education Web through my friend who is now studying in Brisbane too.