

主辦機構 : Hong Kong Institute of Technology 香港科技專上書院
合辦機構 : N/A
參考編號 : 252368


獲取學歷 : Bachelor Degree   截止報名日期 : To be Advised
頒發國家 : N/A   開課日期 : To be Advised
學費 : HKD 58,800   修讀為期 : To be Advised
授課形式 : N/A   資助計劃 : N/A
入學要求 : <p>第一年學士學位: 香港中學文憑考試5科?第三級包括英國語文;或相等於英國Tariff point 200分或以上; (5科總成績無須一定包括中文科) 第三年銜接學位: 完成證書/ 文憑/副學士/高級文憑(豁免學分數目視乎過往修讀的課程內容而定)</p>

課程內容 : <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="left" valign="top">香港科技專上書院 (非牟利) Hong Kong Institute of Technology (Non-Profit Making) <br />Teesside University |2009年度英國最佳大學 University of the Year Time High Education Awards 2009 <br /><br />E-APP iPASS 資歷架構 Qualification Framework 請即上E-APP報名! <br /><br />認可學士三年制/ 一年制接學位 <br />全日制/兼讀制/彈性制(適合輪班人士) <br /><br />犯罪及調查學(榮譽)理學士學位 <br />(註冊編號:252368) <br />香港首個通過評審並獲認可的犯罪及調查學學士學位 <br /><br />Feature <br /><br />This course uses a combination of lectures, seminars and practical sessions to give you a thorough grounding in all aspects of crime and investigation, both from a social science and a forensic science perspective. These discipline areas sometimes produce competing theories, all of which are central to the study of the investigation process. <br />During your second and third stages, you can choose from a wide range of modules to cement your expertise in certain areas, such as understanding domestic violence, or drugs and society. You have access to our superb facilities throughout your degree, and you're in good company. <br />This course has achieved the College of Policing Pre-Join Approved Provider status for the module ‘Introduction to Policing: The Certificate in Knowledge of Policing’. <br /><br />Duration <br />Full Time: 3 years, Part Time: 4-6 years (Day-time/Night-time mode) <br />Relevant Associate Degree or Higher Diploma holders may gain maximum exemption of 240 credits in first and second years. <br /><br />Programme Structure <br />Students are required to complete 15 modules including one Dissertation in the final year, total 360 credits <br /><br />Tuition Fee <br />Full Time <br />Tuition Fee of Year 1:HKD $58,800 <br />Tuition Fee of Year 2:HKD $58,800 <br />Tuition Fee of Year 3:HKD $58,800 <br /><br />Part Time <br />- Part-time or Flexible mode tuition fee is charged according to the credit size. The tuition fee of the programme is the same for Full-time, Part-time, or Flexible mode. <br /><br />Subsidies <br />Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) <br />The Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS) <br />Self-financing post-secondary scholarship scheme (SPSS) <br /><br />全日制/兼讀制/彈性制(適合輪班人士) <br />入學要求 <br />第一年學士學位: <br />香港中學文憑考試5科?第三級包括英國語文;或相等於英國Tariff point 200分或以上; (5科總成績無須一定包括中文科) <br /><br />第三年銜接學位: <br />完成證書/ 文憑/副學士/高級文憑(豁免學分數目視乎過往修讀的課程內容而定) <br /><br />學費 <br />每年$58,800 <br /><br />香港學費英國留學一學期 <br />本校與Teesside University資助同學以本地學費前往英國修讀一個學期,在英國校園環境體驗學習生活。 <br />第一年在香港修讀、第二年以香港學費英國修讀一個學期、第三年在香修讀 <br /><br /><br />請即上E-APP報名! <br />有關課程詳情,請瀏覽www.hkit.edu.hk <br /><br />查詢 <br />總校地址:九龍深水埗南昌街213號 <br />Whatsapp專線: 5409 1939 <br />電話: 2782 2433 <br />電郵: enquiry@hkit.edu.hk <br />網頁: www.hkit.edu.hk</td>

諮詢講座 : N/A

備註 : N/A

查詢 : 電話 27822433
傳真 27820497
電郵 enquiry@hkit.edu.hk , enquiry@hkit.edu.hk
網址 http://www.hkit.edu.hk

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